About Me

Hi, my name is Katie Chew.
I am an executive marketing consultant that helps entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized businesses with their digital marketing, sales, and communication strategies to raise brand awareness, increase revenue growth and bring their business to the next level.

About Me

Hi, my name is Katie Chew.
I am an executive marketing consultant that helps entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized businesses with their digital marketing, sales, and communication strategies to raise brand awareness, increase revenue growth and bring their business to the next level.
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  • About

Hi! I’m Katie Chew.

I am a senior brand strategist and corporate marketing director turned entrepreneur.

I have over 20 years of experience in the digital marketing industry and have worked in nearly all market verticals, business segments, and industries. I have been employed by the government, a small consulting firm, digital advertising agencies, and corporate America. I have served clients and customers from all walks of life and life stages. While I may not have done it all in my life thus far, some days I sure feel like I have! You know what I mean??

My mission is to help you meet your business goals and objectives with intention. I will coach your team to enjoy the journey along the way – to live a life of intention, joy, and satisfaction. I want to share my knowledge with you so that we can achieve more with doing less. I believe in simplicity and collaboration. I live for dynamic experiences where I can make an impact.

To put it bluntly – I am a mom who got fed up with the rat-race and wanted to spend more quality time with my family as well as my colleagues and friends. I want to help you because I need an outlet for all those years of creating and building campaigns and products! It’s not that I don’t want to work because I do – I LOVE getting my hands dirty and problem-solving – I also love the freedom of choosing who to help and how to help them.

Katie Chew, Cultivate Success Consulting - senior brand strategist

My Top Three Attributes

1. Values-based Leadership

Aligning my values and beliefs to my organizational mission, vision, and strategy creates a leadership approach that inspires and empowers me to guide you to reach your potential and achieve your goals.

2. Strategic Collaboration

There is nothing better than the energy and synergy that comes from problem-solving and working towards a goal as a team. Ensuring your actions align with your values, mission, and vision throughout the process is how you create an impact through marketing.

3. Enthusiasm

I live for dynamic experiences and challenges where I can make an impact. I have an insatiable curiosity that drives me to learn and grow every day. And, I love to laugh!

1. Values-based Leadership

Aligning my values and beliefs to my organizational mission, vision, and strategy creates a leadership approach that inspires and empowers me to guide you to reach your potential and achieve your goals.

2. Strategic Collaboration

There is nothing better than the energy and synergy that comes from problem-solving and working towards a goal as a team. Ensuring your actions align with your values, mission, and vision throughout the process is how you create an impact through marketing.

3. Enthusiasm

I live for dynamic experiences and challenges where I can make an impact. I have an insatiable curiosity that drives me to learn and grow every day. And, I love to laugh!

Consultant by Day

Wife, Mother & Friend… Always

The work-life balance is an art-form and Katie Chew is so far mastering the technique of successful marketing consultant able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and integrate the responsibilities of wife and mother.  After all, why work so hard unless you have a personal goal that includes making a better life for your family and being a role model for your child?

Successful consultants – as in Cultivate Success Consulting LLC – embody the mastery of accomplishing a great deal from either the virtual or onsite office.  Katie’s value system and priorities make her incredibly relatable and also able to help others in business meet the challenges that often occur with time management and the ability to set a strong strategy that doesn’t require a total surrender of life for success.

Consultant by Day

Wife, Mother & Friend… Always

The work-life balance is an art-form and Katie Chew is so far mastering the technique of successful marketing consultant able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and integrate the responsibilities of wife and mother.  After all, why work so hard unless you have a personal goal that includes making a better life for your family and being a role model for your child?

Successful consultants – as in Cultivate Success Consulting LLC – embody the mastery of accomplishing a great deal from either the virtual or onsite office.  Katie’s value system and priorities make her incredibly relatable and also able to help others in business meet the challenges that often occur with time management and the ability to set a strong strategy that doesn’t require a total surrender of life for success.

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+1 614-285-5163

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+1 614-285-5163