Are you struggling to bring in quality leads? Do you feel like your previous marketing efforts have been a waste of money? You are not alone. I have a lot of people tell me that they are at their wit’s end dealing with marketing and sales for their businesses. I understand where you are coming from. And I can help you. Seriously. Stick with me here.
When you hear the term “marketing” what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Is it a catchy jingle from a commercial? (that’s advertising) Is it an overly enthusiastic spokesperson? (that’s PR) Did any of you picture a specific logo for a product? (that’s branding) How many of you got a feeling (of comfort or joy, etc.) when you thought of a specific product or company? Now, that is the type of marketing that I am talking about!
So, to achieve the type of marketing that evokes emotions and stirs up feelings for your brand, products or services whenever people think about it; what do you think is the MOST important piece of that marketing puzzle? In other words, what is the foundation that you should build your marketing strategy on to create a meaningful impact?
Are you ready?
This is actually easier than you think. And, I know that a lot of people will not answer this correctly at first.

But, Katie! I need to show people how much I know about my field! I need to tell everyone why my product is the best! I need to prove that I am the most qualified and worth what I am charging! How else will they know?
Drum roll, please……. THE #1 MOST important piece of your marketing puzzle is Your Audience! I bet you thought I was going to say it is YOU or your product or the service that you are selling, right? Not. Even. Close. I mean, you are important and I love you dearly, but in this instance, your audience comes first. Always.
I know, I know. I can hear you, “But, Katie! I need to show people how much I know about my field! I need to tell everyone why my product is the best! I need to prove that I am the most qualified and worth what I am charging! How else will they know?”
And, you are right. You do need to do all of that, but you need to do it with putting your audience’s perspective first.
Let’s be real here: you need an audience to be able to provide your services or sell your products to. Without your audience, your brand, product, or services don’t really matter much. Seriously, they will sit there untouched, collecting dust. Is that what you want? I didn’t think so!
Time for a quick recap:
The most important piece to your marketing puzzle is: your audience – the people who you are talking to (NOT you). You can talk about how the benefits of your products or services will give your audience the outcome that they want as long as you keep them (aka. your audience) as the focus. It’s as simple as that: put your audience first and I promise, your marketing will attract customers.
Subscribe here for more simple tips to create an impact through your marketing and guidance on how to achieve more with doing less.
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