How can you adapt your business to meet the social and economic demands that the current environment dictates?

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and we are starting to work towards opening up the economy again. It is important to recognize that businesses and commerce will take longer to rebound and heal vs. the rapid timeframe in which they all closed or temporarily shifted to crisis response modes. In this week’s installment of crisis communications tips, I discuss four important focus areas to identify how to adapt your business to meet the social and economic demands that the current environment dictates.
It is time to shift your thinking and start taking some forward action. You need to move past simple reaction and survival response mode to adaptation and optimization if you have not already. Most likely this means looking at your business model and/or products in a different way. Yes, we need to survive through this crisis and we also need to thrive for the long haul. The world is experiencing an unprecedented event and adaptation is a necessary response in order to survive.
Yes, I am yelling this at you. Because it is so important. People who are valued, appreciated, and supported are much more productive, happy, and empowered to help one another. Your company would not survive if it weren’t for the many humans that interact to create your products, or provide your services, or distribute your widgets, or purchase your goods, etc. Allow room for the necessary fallout of this stressful time. Don’t expect 110% all the time with no chance to catch your breath. Take care of your people and they will take care of you. It really is that simple.
What new learnings have come out of your company’s response to the pandemic?
You have been in constant communication with your stakeholders, partners, teams, and customers, right? What feedback have they been giving you? Have they been sharing their questions and concerns? Have they been reaching out to let you know that they appreciate how you are guiding them through this crucial period? Take stock in the observations, critiques, and comments – listening to how your people need to be supported through this crisis can provide new opportunities for your company. What shifts can you implement moving forward to incorporate the positive feedback? What changes do you need to make to correct the negative observations?
Have you identified any gaps in your operations?
While many people struggle with change numerous times it can be an instigator to bigger and better things to come. That hole in your supply chain that failed when the crunch was on just might be the opportunity that you didn’t know to look for to overhaul your system and allow for improved speed, quality, and service as a result.
Have any new leaders emerged?
- Are there new leaders in the market making modifications that are achieving positive results?
- How can you shift your traditional business model to a digital transformation solution?
- What new services can you offer using your assets and expertise that people need during this challenging time?
- Who has stepped up to the plate and surprised you with their calm and perseverance through this time?
- Has anyone provided motivation and encouragement to help their teams and/or colleagues perform?
- Which new team members have proven their abilities to focus on managing through the current crisis while also looking at the bigger picture?
If you have questions about your Crisis Communication Plan, I am here to help! It is an ongoing process through good times and bad. DM me and we can talk.
Send me a message with any of your thoughts, questions, concerns, and insights. I enjoy the enlightening conversations and banter. Until next week….. continue to Create an Impact and I’ll help you do it through marketing.
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