Our Services: Attract Your Target Audience

Draw in your most valued customers.




Our Services: Attract Your Target Audience

Draw in your most valued customers.




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Consulting Services


You need to have an intimate knowledge of your target audience and customer base to really be able to relate to them and help them with their problems. Your customers are the reason that you have your business, after all, so let’s show them some love! Just remember, not everyone is your customer and that is ok. We will identify how to attract qualified leads so that you spend your time with customers that want your business and services including:

Behavioral Analysis & Psychographics

  • Psychographics help you to understand the emotion behind a decision of your target audience. We link how the interests and attitudes of your target audience impact their purchases.
  • Through behavioral analysis, we can determine what actions your customers take that ultimately lead to a purchase. We pinpoint the steps your target audience will take through your sales funnel.


  • Demographics answer the basic structure of an audience such as age, gender and location to name a few. We define your audience demographics to ensure that you understand how to best serve your customers.

Avatar(s) & Persona(s)

  • We create a detailed profile of your individual ideal customer covering their every move and thought throughout the course of a day so that you know their exact experiences and how you can reach them through your messaging.
  • We answer who, what, why, and how so that you are able to craft your marketing message in a way that is relatable and relevant to your key audience segment.

Where & How to attract your target market

  • You need to be where your people are in order to reach them (and you DON’T need to be where they are NOT. No matter what anybody else says!). We help you determine where you should be online in order to reach your target audience.
  • You need to speak the same language as your customers to draw them in to you/your company. We show you how to connect with your target audience and build a relationship that you can turn in to sales down the funnel.


What is the difference between targeting based on behavioral, demographic and psychographic data?

Behavioral Targeting is based off of a person’s actions both online and offline.

Demographic Targeting segments people by race, age, income, gender, family size, education, religion, marital status, occupation, etc.

Psychographic Targeting uses attributes such as a person’s values, opinions, lifestyle, and interests.

Combining all of these data points is the magic that makes up attraction based marketing. The more you know about your target audience the more that you are able to focus on connecting with them and serving them. When you are sharing content that is valuable to your audience they will seek you out so that you can concentrate your efforts on converting leads into sales and not have to worry about prospecting (your targeted content is doing that for you).

What is the difference between an avatar and a persona?

A marketing persona reflects a group of people within a key segment of your audience and applies specific targeting criteria to attract your typical customers. A persona incorporates detailed research to answer who, what, why, and how so that you are able to craft your marketing message in a way that is relatable and relevant to your key audience segment.

An avatar is a fictitious individual meant to represent your ideal customer and is a very in-depth model covering what they are thinking about when they first wake up in the mornings to what they eat for lunch and how they feel after they take a quick scroll through their Instagram feed for a break in the evening plus everything in between.

Some clients develop both avatars and personas and some have just one or the other. There is no one way that is right for everyone, but there is a way that is right for YOU and your business. (P.S. That is how it works for your target audience, as well!)

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